Transforming the management of your assets

Bunjilview will  transform the way you manage and protect your land and other assets. We deliver Precision Reality Twins (PRT), secure, in-built collaboration tools, with industry-first trend tracking and we package it all up with a management option that suits your size, structure, budget and capacity.

Our Services


Precision Asset Intelligence (PAI) software enables you to draw on huge volumes of data, distilled into a user-friendly interface, to finally deliver trust and certainty in the management and decision making for your assets.

Precision Reality Twins are the next step in the asset management revolution. Forget 3D models with low resolution finishes – glide around a model that is practically indistinguishable from the original asset. 

Land Management

A new, vastly improved, effective and economic way to enable land management and to facilitate sustainable ecological and commercial outcomes for Business and Traditional Land Owners. 

Better. From every angle

Bunjil View’s leading Precision Asset Intelligence software platform provides you with a unique ability to optimise and protect your assets.

Working with Nallawilli Bunjil enables you to improve your environmental, social, and governance performance.

Key Benefits


Reduce the complexity and risk of land and property management by reducing the need for travel and physical review. Leverage the power of Bunjilview’s rapid asset capture and intuitive software, delivering the most detailed models available today.  


Greater asset intelligence empowers organisations to better predict and prevent failures, reduce materials wastage, plan smarter construction and increase asset lifespan


BunjilView uses zero-touch methods, including drone capture, reducing your need to put people at high risk to collect asset information.


Maintain complete, accurate and accessible records for improved governance, risk and compliance obligations.

Data Security

Quality and security are not optional extras, but a part of our DNA. We know that your data is your number one asset. That’s why we do everything in our power to keep that data safe.

Environmental, Social and Governance

In our modern world, successful companies are no longer only measured by their bottom line, they are also measured by the positive and negative impact they have on the people and environment around them.

Our Team

Scott Allen
Chief Executive Officer

Scott is a descendent from the Awabakal Worimi Nations. He is committed to advancing Nallawilli as a market leader in its chosen fields and to
advance First Nations peoples through its committed to best practice, continuous improvement, sustainable and social growth. With 20 years’ experience in large multi-national such as Siemens, Microsoft and Unisys, Scott is a thought leader with high levels of creativity and a collaborative management style

David Penfold
Chief Financial Officer

Former CFO of Deutsche Bank ANZ, David brings a strong focus on governance business strategy and financial awareness.

He has extensive experience in not-for-profit and is passionate about making positive social and educational impacts in the community.

Andrew Bassford
Chief Commercial Officer

Andrew is an entrepreneur with 25+ years building new visionary businesses and positioning brands in retail, hospitality, and renewable technologies. Over the past two decades Andrew has pursued sustainable development, structuring investments to deliver impact and technologies to transition towards a circular economy. His experience spans across Europe and Asia Pacific.

Mark Bond
Chief Remote Pilot

Mark has developed successful and diverse experience in both the Public and Private sectors over his career. After spending 7 years as part of Victoria Police, Mark took his knowledge and skills to the Victorian Environment Protection Authority.

Mark has held the role of Chief Remote Pilot at the EPA for over 7 years. Over this time, Mark has built the program from 1 drone up to a fleet of 12 with multiple pilots. Mark is
passionate about the environment and how
the environment impacts our lives.

Backing First Nations Business

Working with Traditional Owners to build future proof and sustainable capability that allows them build skills using the latest prescision asset software and drone hardware to deliver enviromental outcomes.

Our Impact

The Foundation seeks to continue Pauline’s journey of building acceptance, understanding and healing with a focus on creating positive opportunities for First Nations next generations.

Ron Murray

“I always wanted to get into IT, technology has always been my passion though I just couldn’t see how I was going to bridge the skill gap working 12 – 15 hour days as a security guard to support my family”.


The Nallawilli Group has committed to support the capability building of both First Nation individuals, Entrepreneurs and Traditional owners through build an ecosystem of understanding and growth.


Providing primary source of funding for First Naitons startups fostering cultral innovation which translates into future proofed and sustainable economic growth.