Nallawilli BunjilView Platform

Quality Policy

This Policy describes our commitment to quality of the Nallawilli BunjilView Online Platform (the Platform).

Quality Policy

Quality Policy

At Nallawilli Bunjil PTY Limited, our mission is to digitise physical structures and empower decision-makers through quality data.

We exist to simplify the management of valuable and complex infrastructure.

We empower people with quality data and a single source of truth that is accessible and actionable, in order to maximise asset life and minimise waste and inefficiencies.

We maintain client relationships by providing services aligned with our client’s expectations and specifications, incorporating all mandatory requirements.

Quality Commitment

To ensure our quality objectives are achieved and maintained, the company has adopted the following objectives:

  • Implementation and ongoing improvement of a Quality Management System based on ISO 9001:2015
  • Continually improve the effectiveness of our Quality Management System through periodic reviews and ongoing governance.
  • Ongoing evaluation of our systems will be performed (at least annually), to achieve a consistent provision of quality service to satisfy our customers’ requirements together with addressing business risks and opportunities that may impact on our service delivery.
  • Dedication to providing the highest level of customer service, service quality and product by meeting our stated service delivery objectives for all customers.
  • Seek feedback from our customers to continually monitor and improve our strategy, management and policy in order to meet our customer’s expectations.
  • Foster a culture of continual improvement to inspire teamwork and individual performance levels in achieving service quality by providing training, support and guidance.

Policy Version: 29 May 2022